Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Facts about your body

Monday, May 28, 2012

How long does it take to digest food

10 Mistakes Unhappy People Make


10 Mistakes Unhappy People Make

10 Happiness Mistakes We Often Make
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner.  People can be prisoners of their own concepts, choices and ideas.  So tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.
When you dream, you better dream big; when you think, you better think big; and when you love, you better love truthfully.  Happiness is a choice.  There are no excuses for not trying to make the very best out of your life.  There are no excuses for living in a way that consistently makes you unhappy.
Here are ten happiness mistakes to avoid:
  1. Thinking that you have already missed your chance. – Your life, with all its ups and downs, has molded you for the greater good.  Your life has been exactly what it needed to be.  Don’t think you’ve lost time.  It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the current moment.  And every moment of your life, including this one right now, is a fresh start.  If you have the courage to admit when you’re scared, the ability to laugh even as you cry, the nerve to speak up even if your voice is shaking, the confidence to ask for help when you need it, and the wisdom to take it when it’s offered, then you have everything you need to get yourself to a better place.  Read The Power of Habit.
  2. Using failed relationships as an excuse. – Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you WANT to meet.  Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you NEED to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.
  3. Changing who you are to satisfy others. – No matter how loud their opinions are, others cannot choose who you are.  The question should not be, “Why don’t they like me when I’m being me?” It should be, “Why am I wasting my time worrying what they think of me?”  If you are not hurting anyone with your actions, keep moving forward with your life.  Be happy.  Be yourself.  If others don’t like it, then let them be.  Life isn’t about pleasing everybody.
  4. Putting up with negative people and negative thinking. – It’s time to walk away from all the drama and the people who create it.  Surround yourself with those who make you smile.  Love the people who treat you right, and pray for the ones who don’t.  Forget the negative and focus on the positive.  Life is too short to be anything but happy.  Making mistakes and falling down is a part of life, but getting back up and moving on is what LIVING is all about.
  5. Focusing all of your attention on another time and place. – This day will never happen again.  Enjoy it.  Cherish your time.  It’s often hard to tell the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.  Someday you may discover that the small things were really the big things.  So learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you appreciate what you once had.  Read The Power of Now.
  6. Overlooking what you have to focus on what you haven’t. – Most people end up cheating on others and themselves because they pay more attention to what they’re missing, rather than what they have.  Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, think about what you have that everyone else is missing.
  7. Dwelling on the things you can’t change. – If you hadn’t fallen down, you would never have learned how to get back on your feet.  If you hadn’t been forced to let go and move on, you’d never have learned that you have the strength to stand on your own.  If you hadn’t lost hope, you would never have found your faith.  The best often comes after the worst happens.  You can either move on, or you can dwell on the things you can’t change.  Either way life does move on with or without you.  So learn from the past and then get the heck out of there.  You will always grow stronger from the pain if you don’t let it destroy you.
  8. Constantly sacrificing your own happiness for everyone else. – Never let your own happiness wither away as you try to bring sunshine to others.  Life is not about making others happy.  Life is about being honest and sharing your happiness with others.
  9. Losing track of your own goals and ideals. – Knowing who you are is one thing, but truly believing and living as yourself is another.  With all the social conditioning in our society we sometimes forget to stay true to ourselves.  Don’t lose yourself out there.  In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, stay true to your awesome self.  Read The Art of Non-Conformity.
  10. Dealing with the stress of deceiving others. – If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT!  If you say you’re going to be somewhere, BE THERE!  If you say you feel something, MEAN IT!  If you can’t, won’t, and don’t, then DON’T LIE.  It’s always better to tell people the truth up front.  Live in such a way that if someone decided to attack your character, no one would believe it.  Live so that when the people around you think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.
And remember, life will never be perfect, no matter how hard you try.  Even if you pour your heart and soul into it, you will never achieve a state of absolute perfection.  There will always be moments of uncertainty; there will always be days where nothing goes right.  But as time rolls on you will learn that even the most imperfect situations can be made better with a little love and laughter.
Photo by: Heather

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The right amount of H20 at the right time

14 Rules for Being YOU


14 Rules for Being YOU

14 Rules for Being YOU
Be yourself.  Trying to be anyone else is a waste of the person you are.  Embrace that individual inside you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else.  Be the person you know yourself to be – the best version of you – on your terms.  And above all, be true to YOU – if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.
Starting today…
  1. Get your priorities straight. – Twenty years from now it won’t really matter what shoes you wore today, how your hair looked, or what brand of jeans you bought.  What will matter is how you loved, what you learned and how you applied this knowledge.
  2. Take full responsibility for your goals. – If you really want good things in your life to happen, you have to make them happen yourself.  You can’t sit around and hope that somebody else will help you; you have to make your own future and not think that your destiny is tied to the actions and choices of others.  Read Quitter.
  3. Know your worth. – When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself fromthe equation.  Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do.  Because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you.  It’s not pride – it’s self-respect.  Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people.  Don’t give part-time people a full-time position in your life.  Know your value and what you have to offer, and never settle for anything less than what you deserve.
  4. Choose the right perspective. – Perspective is everything.  When faced with long check-out lines, traffic jams, or waiting an hour past your appointment time, you have two choices:  You can get frustrated and enraged, or you can view it as life’s way of giving you a guilt-free breather from rushing, and spend that time daydreaming, conversing, or watching the clouds.  The first choice will raise your blood pressure.  The second choice will raise your consciousness.
  5. Don’t let your old problems punish your dreams.  – Learn to let go of things you can’t control.  The next time you’re tempted to rant about a situation that you think ended unfairly, remind yourself of this:  You’ll never kill off your anger by beating the story to death.  So close your mouth, unclench your fists, and redirect your thoughts.  When left untended, the anger will slowly wither, and you’ll be left to live in peace as you grow toward a better future.
  6. Choose the things that truly matter. – Some things just don’t matter much – like the kind of car you drive.  How big of a deal is that in the grand scheme of life?  Not a big at all.  But lifting a person’s heart?  Now, that matters.  The whole problem with most people is, they KNOW what matters, but they don’t CHOOSE it.  They get distracted.  They don’t put first things first.  The hardest and smartest way to live is choosing what truly matters, and pursuing it passionately.  Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  7. Love YOU. – Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are.  Yes, let someone love you despite all of this; and let that someone be YOU.
  8. Accept your strengths and weaknesses. – Be confident being YOU.  We often waste too much time comparing ourselves to others, and wishing to be something we’re not.  Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when we accept everything we are, and aren’t, that we are able to become who we are capable of being.
  9. Stand up for YOU. – You were born to be real, not to be perfect.  You’re here to be YOU, not to be what someone else wants you to be.  Stand up for yourself, look them in the eye, and say, “Don’t judge me until you know me, don’t underestimate me until you challenge me, and don’t talk about me until you’ve talked to me.”
  10. Learn from others, and move on when you must. – You can’t expect to change people.  Either you accept who they are, or you start living your life without them.  And just because something ends, doesn’t mean it never should have been.  You lived, you learned, you grew, and you moved on.  Some people come into your life as blessings; others come into your life as lessons.
  11. Be honest in your relationships. – Don’t cheat!  If you’re not happy, be honest, and move on if you must.  When you’re truly in love, being faithful isn’t a sacrifice, it’s a joy.
  12. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. – Life as we know it can change in a blink of an eye.  Unlikely friendships can blossom, important careers can be tossed aside and a long lost hope can be rekindled.  It might feel a little uncomfortable at times, but know that life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is not an ending, but a new beginning.  Read The Power of Full Engagement.
  13. Be who you were born to be. – Don’t get to the end of your life and find that you lived only the length of it; live the width of it as well.  When it comes to living as a passionate, inspired human being, the only challenge greater than learning to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, is learning to walk a lifetime comfortably in your own.  Follow your heart, and take your brain with you.  When you are truly comfortable in your own skin, not everyone will like you, but you won’t care about it one bit.
  14. Never give up on YOU. – This is your life; shape it, or someone else will.  Strength shows not only in the ability to hold on, but in the ability to start over when you must.  It is never too late to become what you might have been.  Keep learning, adapting, and growing.  You may not be there yet, but you are closer than you were yesterday.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

 Giggle Palooza's photo.

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
Source: The Sweets Life

1 lb large strawberries
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
3-4 Tablespoons powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 - 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs

1. Rinse strawberries and cut around the top of the strawberry. Remove the top and clean out with a paring knife, if necessary (some of them are hollow already. Prep all of the strawberries and set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Add cream cheese mix to a piping bag or Ziploc with the corner snipped off. Fill the strawberries with cheesecake mixture.
3. Once strawberries are filled, sprinkle or dip the tops with graham cracker crumbs. If not serving immediately, refrigerate until serving.

7 symptoms men shouldn’t ignore

7 symptoms men shouldn’t ignore

An annoyance or a sign of something serious? Experts say these symptoms should warrant a trip to the doctor.
Some people will do anything to avoid it seeing their doctors — including dismissing seemingly minor health complaints. We all know symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain require immediate medical attention, but sometimes the symptoms we overlook can signal something serious too.
Here are seven symptoms men shouldn’t ignore, according to experts.

Erectile dysfunction

We know it’s embarrassing to talk about — despite quirky commercials about little blue pills. ED (also known as impotence) affects many men as they get older. Not only can it impact a man’s self-image and sex life, this condition can warn of other diseases that have subtle symptoms.
For example, ED — a pattern of not being able to get or keep an erection — can be caused by health issues that affect the nerves, brain and blood vessels. It could be a symptom of diabetes or pre-diabetes, or be caused by a hardening of the arteries (a condition known as atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart to disease). High blood pressure, kidney failure, stress, smoking and alcohol abuse can all be culprits.
The symptoms of ED can be treated, but experts warn men to talk to their doctor to make sure the cause gets some attention too.

Changes in the penis, testicles or scrotum

It’s advice men as well as women should heed: know your body. Any changes “down there” like lumps, swelling, a feeling of heaviness or a change in size of the testicles could be a warning sign of testicular cancer. Likewise, a lump on the penis, sores, discharge or bleeding could warn of penile cancer.
Sores, a rash, redness, itching and oozing could be symptoms of sexually transmitted illnesses. Though usually not serious, men should have these symptoms checked out before the conditions get worse and they pass it along to their partners.

Urinary problems

Experts say most men experience some changes to their bathroom habits as they age, but it’s time to see a doctor when things become uncomfortable or interfere with daily activities. Problems with the prostate can cause symptoms like:
- a frequent need to urinate, especially at night
- a weak or interrupted urine stream
- an inability to urinate
- difficulty starting or stopping a urine stream.
These symptoms don’t automatically mean prostate cancer — they could also be a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  Some of these symptoms can also be caused by medications, infections or inflammation — but that’s up to a doctor to determine.

Blood where there shouldn’t be blood

The presence of blood is seldom a good sign — especially when it comes to bodily functions. For example, blood in urine — when the urine has a pink or brown tint — could be caused by a urinary tract infection, inflammation in the urinary tract, kidney stone, an enlarged prostate or cancers of the prostate, bladder or kidney. Experts estimate that roughly one in ten men will experience blood in their urine — or hematuria, in medical terms — during his lifetime. Sometimes no cause is ever found, and sometimes the discolouration could be due to medications like blood thinners.
What about blood in the stool? Bright red blood is most commonly caused by annoying conditions like hemorrhoids and diverticulitis, but experts warn that dark red, maroon, black or tarry stools mean the blood has been in your gut for a while — and could be a sign of ulcers or colon cancer.
Coughing up blood can be caused by conditions from blood clots to infections (including tuberculosis and pneumonia.)  When in doubt, any sign of blood shouldn’t be ignored.


Think aches and pains are just a part of getting older? Not so, say doctors. Persistent pain can be a warning sign of many conditions including arthritis, a damaged nerve, kidney disease, gallbladder disease and even cancer. Pain during intercourse could also be a sign of prostate cancer, say experts.
Acute pain — like a red, swollen and painful joint — also deserves a check-up. It could be caused by an injury, or a chronic condition like gout or bursitis (both of which are more common in men than women). Infections can also attack joints and cause permanent damage or spread if left untreated. 
In short, any pain should warrant a trip to the doctor. Chances are the cause isn’t serious, but a doctor can suggest treatment options that tackle the pain and treat the underlying cause.

Persistent thirst

We’re often told to drink plenty of water, but constantly being thirsty isn’t so healthy. Of course, hours of exercise, a salty or spicy meal or medications can cause the problem, but excessive thirst could be an early sign of pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes — conditions that may not have any other symptoms.
Another cause: fluid could be leaving the blood stream and building up in tissues, leaving the body wanting more. This swelling (or edema) can be the result of heart, liver, or kidney failure or a severe infection or burn. Dry mouth can also be associated with thirst, and can have many causes from medication side effects to autoimmune disorders.
Regardless, experts warn that unusual thirst should be checked out, especially when other symptoms like dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea and changes in urinary habits go with it.


Depression is more common among women than men, so why is it on this list? Some experts warn men are less likely than women to get help due to societal pressures, and they might even experience symptoms differently. They might become aggressive, bury themselves in work or turn to drug or alcohol abuse to cope with their feelings. Unfortunately, men are also three times more likely than women to kill themselves. Suicide is one of the top causes of death in men in Canada, according to Statistics Canada.
It may sound stereotypical, but experts warn that depression may be harder to spot in men because of the stigma against showing weakness, crying or expressing emotion. Symptoms of depression in both sexes can include prolonged feelings of sadness, guilt or grief, loss of interest in activities, social withdrawal, thoughts of suicide, fatigue, changes in appetite and loss of interest in sex.
Depression can be treated with medication, therapy and lifestyle changes, but it’s just as important for men to get help as women. (See the Canadian Mental Health Association website for more information.)
This list is just a few of the symptoms worth paying attention — and we know the causes can sound intimidating. However, experts say most of the time these symptoms have benign and treatable causes. The message is to be aware, but not to panic. Your doctor will likely want to review your symptoms and medical history, do an exam and run some tests. The key is to get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible — and some conditions simply shouldn’t have to wait.
Sources: Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Mental Health Association, Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide, Huffington Post Canada, Mayoclinic.com, U.K National Health Services, U.S. National Library of Medicine, WebMD

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

12 Foods that Won't Make You Bloat

12 Foods that Won't Make You Bloat

Load up on the cucumbers for that sexy tummy.With all the hard work you've done to get ready for bikini season, the last thing you want is tolook bloated on beach day. That's why we consulted the experts for the foods that will keep you from puffing up. (Some even fightexisting bloat-a major perk when it's crunch time.)

By Korin Miller

They're not just a tasty snack-cukes are loaded with water, which helps fight bloat, says nutrition expert Joy Bauer, RD, author of The Joy Fit Club. Basically, the more water you take in without fiber, the more you pee. And the more you pee, the flatter your stomach feels.

Just like cucumbers, watermelon is loaded with, uh, water-which, again, fights bloat, says Bauer. It's also less than 100 calories per large wedge, and surprisingly isn't loaded with sugar (oh, and it tastes delish).

You probably already know that water retention is one of the reasons you puff out, but asparagus can help reduce it, says nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg, RD. Add a few stalks to your meal the night before you hit the beach to make sure you're looking flat the next day.

Ate something salty the night before? Nosh on a banana in the a.m. Middleberg says high-potassium foods like this can off-set sodium and prevent you from puffing out.

Egg Whites
Try an egg-white omelette before you hit the beach, says Bauer. It's packed with protein, which will fill you up, and acts like a pee-inducing diuretic to de-bloat you.

Munch on these little delights to fight the stomach bulge.Munch on these little delights to fight the stomach bulge.Red Grapes
These pretty little things are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth-and they can reduce gas and bloating, says Bauer. Pop them in the freezer the night before and, take a chilly bunch with you to the beach for a refreshing snack.

Greek Yogurt
Not only is Greek yogurt full of protein, it helps aid in digestion, giving you a flatter stomach in a shorter amount of time, says Bauer. She recommends opting for one with less than 20 grams of sugar, since too much of the sweet stuff can make you gain weight.

Iced Coffee (or Tea)
Steer clear of anything with carbonation in it, since it'll make you super-gassy. Instead, opt for a water-packed iced coffee or tea, says Bauer. Just limit yourself to no more than one packet of sugar.

Try to include at least one healthy fat in every meal, like avocado, nut butter, fish, or olive oil, says Middleberg. They'll help you feel full without too much volume.

A handful of almonds a day will keep the bloat away. Err, is that how it goes?A handful of almonds a day will keep the bloat away. Err, is that how it goes?

Almonds and pistachios are great, non-bloating snacks-provided they're unsalted, says Bauer. Their high-protein count also helps you feel fuller, faster.

String Cheese
We were surprised to hear this one: Unless you're lactose intolerant, dairy products won't make you bloat, says Middleberg. Pack a stick of string cheese in your cooler for a yummy beach snack.

Hitting up a BBQ? Go for grilled veggies like zucchini. They'll fill you up without too many calories, says Bauer, so you won't be as tempted to load up on bloaty foods like chips and potato salad.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 ways to make your groceries last longer

10 ways to make your groceries last longer (and save money)

No matter how hard we try to meal plan and shop frugally, there's always something in the fridge that ends up moldering or wilting away. Since I really hate throwing out food, I make sure the food we buy lasts as long as possible. You can extend the life of your groceries by following these 10 simple steps:

1. Freeze your bread. Properly wrapped and sealed bread can be kept in the freezer for up to six months. Yes, it has to be thawed, but that's better than watching unused bread go moldy on the counter.

2. Root out bad apples. Whether it's apples, grapes or berries, go through your fruit and take out the moldy or rotten pieces before they turn the rest of the of bunch off.

3. Be good to your cheese. Make cheese last longer by changing the wrapping regularly. And make sure not to touch it with your hands - which makes it go moldy faster.

4. Store fruit in the fridge. Fruit such as apples and oranges go bad faster at room temperature, so make sure you keep them refrigerated.

5. Keep washed lettuce in paper towel. This will help keep your leafy vegetables crisp longer.

6. Take leftovers for lunch. Why spend $10 on lunch out when you can simply reheat last night's dinner and stretch your groceries further.

7. Keep potatoes in a dark place.
 Exposure to light makes them turn green and shrivel faster.

8. Make smoothies. Throw tired looking fruit into a blender and turn it into a shake. This is a great way to use otherwise fine fruit that's nearly past it.

9. Wrap your meat before freezing it. Make your meat last longer in the freezer by taking it out of the original packing (styrofoam isn't meant for long-term storage). Wrap it up tightly in plastic wrap or foil.

10. Have leftover nights.
 Once a week, get creative with your cooking and challenge yourself to make a meal with all your leftover groceries. You'll be surprised what you come up with. Click here for some clever ways to use your leftover ingredients.

Monday, May 21, 2012

10 Things Lucky People Do Differently


10 Things Lucky People Do Differently

10 Things Lucky People Do Differently
I have great news!  Today could be your lucky day.  It’s not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice.  Lucky people are ordinary people who make their own good luck by thinking and behaving in ways that create good fortune in their lives.  Here’s what they do differently:

1.)  Lucky people maintain a relaxed attitude that is open and aware.

study by psychologist Dr. Richard Wiseman surveyed a bunch of people to find out who considered themselves lucky or unlucky.  Wiseman gave both the ‘lucky’ and the ‘unlucky’ people a newspaper and asked them to look through it and tell him how many photographs were inside.  That’s it.  Luck wasn’t on their minds, just some silly task.
He found that on average the unlucky people took two minutes to count all the photographs, whereas the lucky ones determined the number in a few seconds.  How could the lucky people do this?  Because they noticed a message on thesecond page that read, “Stop counting.  There are 43 photographs in this newspaper.”  So why didn’t the unlucky people see it?  Because they were so intent on counting all the photographs that they missed the message.
When people are focused on a single task, blocking out every other possibility, they miss chance opportunities that could be important.  Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore they see what is there rather than seeing only what they are looking for.  Unlucky people do the opposite.  They go to parties with the sole intent of finding their perfect partner, and so they miss opportunities to make good friends or meet people who might be able to help them in their careers.  They look through the newspaper determined to find specific jobs, and overlook great openings.
The same principle applies when lucky people meet and chat with other people. They are relaxed and attuned to the opportunities around them. Lucky people see what is there, rather than trying to find exactly what they want to see.
In the real world, you’ve got opportunities all around you.  If your mind is closed, you’re not going to spot them.  Being relaxed and open allows you to see what’s really around and maximize the potential of what’s right under their nose.

2.)  Lucky people use intuition and gut instincts to make successful decisions.

Lucky people simply know when a decision is right.  They trust themselves to decide.  And if they get it wrong, they take it as a lesson learned and then adjust their approach.  In contrast, unlucky people view many of their poor decisions as yet more evidence of how they are always destined to fail.
In his book, The Luck Factor, Dr. Wiseman discusses another study he conducted in which more than a hundred lucky and unlucky people answered a short questionnaire concerning the role of intuition – the rather curious sensation that something we have just done, or are about to do, is very right or very wrong – in their lives.  When it came to luck, intuition mattered.  Lucky people’s gut feelings and hunches tended to pay off time and time again.  In contrast, unlucky people often ignored their intuition and regretted their decisions.

3.)  Lucky people notice little things and solve small problems.

I chatted with an aspiring web application developer recently who was complaining that all the big ideas were being worked on already and that there was nothing groundbreaking left to do.  As he talked, I realized he was referencing massive projects that others were working on that seemed mostly out of reach.  And as I thought about all these ‘grand ideas’ I realized that in most cases they probably didn’t start with a massive plan or project, but rather started by trying to solve a simple problem.  The biggest accomplishments often originate from humble roots, yet not many people realize this.
This is the impression I get when I read about the early stages of companies like Google.  I’m pretty sure Google’s founders didn’t have the goal of organizing the all of the world’s information as their primary focus when they first started – instead they started with a series of smaller problems (problems are potential opportunities) and slowly expanded their end goal from there.

4.)  Lucky people treat their failures as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Everything in life is a lesson.  Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc.  They’re all part of the learning experience we call ‘life.’
Never forget to acknowledge the lesson.  If you don’t get a job you wanted or a relationship doesn’t work, it only means something better is out there waiting.  And the lesson you just learned is the first step towards it.  Lucky people learn from their mistakes.  When ill fortune blocks the path to their goals, they explore other ways of solving the problem and squeeze some benefit from their misfortune.
Unlucky people often dwell on mistakes from the past, obsessing about the bad luck that put them in their present unlucky situation.  But remember, good luck has a lot to do with choice.  Use all of the lessons you have learned to make educated decisions and create good luck for yourself in the future.

5.)  Lucky people appreciate what they have right now.

When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value.  If you are in the constant habit of feeling and giving gratitude, the world wants to give you more and more.  Pay close attention to the present, many people aren’t so lucky.
You already have some amazing things in your life, whether you realize it or not.  Most of us have incredible family members, friends, other loved ones who love us back.  Learn to appreciate what a miracle that is.  Most of us have good health, which is another miracle.  Most of us have eyes, with which to enjoy the amazing miracles of sunsets and nature and beauty all around us.  Most of us have ears, with which to enjoy music, one of the greatest miracles ever.  Be grateful for each of these things, and more!
Take time every day, throughout the day, to thank life for all that it has given you, to thank others for what they give you, to simply be grateful.  ReadStumbling on Happiness.

6.)  Lucky people work toward their goals every day without fail.

The harder you work, the luckier you will become.  Stop waiting around for things to work out on their own.  They won’t.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer our calling, only an astute few of us actually work on it.  By ‘working on it,’ I mean truly devoting oneself to the end result.  The rest of us never act on our decision.  Or, at best, we pretend to act on it by putting forth an uninspired, half-assed effort.
If you want good luck in your life, you’ve got to be willing to give it 100% every day.  No slacking off!  Take some advice from one of America’s most influential founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin:  “Diligence is the mother of good luck”.  Achieving your goals and dreams can be a lot of work.  Be ready for it.

7.)  Lucky people help when they’re able.

It’s impossible to help someone else and not get a little help for yourself in the process.
The old saying “what goes around comes around” is definitely true in all walks of life, and it comes around when you least expect it.  In life, you get what you put in.  Remember, luck often comes in the form of help when you need it most, and the best way to ‘grease the rails’ for help when you’ll eventually need it is by helping others right now.
When you help others, don’t expect something in return.  Just enjoy the experience of helping that person and building a stronger personal relationship.  That stronger relationship will likely be there for you in your moments of darkness.

8.)  Lucky people tend to see the positive side of their ill fortune.

They imagine how things could have been so much worse.  For example, research shows that Olympic athletes who win bronze medals are typically happier than their silver medalist counterparts.  This is because silver medalists think that if they had performed slightly better they might have won a gold medal.  In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if they’d performed slightly worse, they wouldn’t have won anything at all.
Having a positive outlook on life is a must if you are to become a luckier person.  If your outlook on life is doom and gloom, then that’s all you’ll experience.  Fortunately, the opposite is also true.  When you dwell on the negative events in your life, you will experience only the negative.  But when you concentrate on positive events, you will begin to feel much happier and luckier.
You control your luck and your life by controlling your thoughts.  Keep a luck diary.  At the end of each day, spend a couple of moments writing down the positive and lucky things that happened.  Once you get in the habit of seeing the bright side, it will be difficult to see it any other way.

9.)  Lucky people enjoy new experiences and take calculated risks.

If you want more luck, mix it up.  Unlucky people tend to be creatures of habit.  They take the same route to and from work every single day, talk to the same types of people at social functions, and live out the same routine day in and day out.  In contrast, lucky people try to introduce variety into their lives.  They are adventurous.  They take calculated risks.  They are consistently taking action in the face of uncertainty.
When you take small risks, either you succeed or you learn something.  Win-Win.  Take the leap even when you can’t see every last detail coming over the horizon.  Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same unlucky spot forever.
If you need a little push, try playing the dice game.  Make a list of six new experiences – things that you have never done before but wouldn’t mind trying.  Some of the experiences might be fairly simple and others might be more adventurous.  Write down a list of the experiences and number them 1 to 6.  Then, roll a die and carry out whichever experience is selected.  What a fun way to bring new experiences, risk and possibly luck into your life.  Read Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway.

10.)  Lucky people believe they CAN.

In all walks of life, positive beliefs have the power to become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Lucky people believe they CAN be successful.  Studies have shown that a managers’ positive beliefs and expectations in their staff have a profound effect on the productivity and success rate of their staff.  Likewise, managers who believe in themselves motivate the people around them to perform well and believe in themselves as well, while those with poor expectations cause those around them to become despondent and unproductive.
Positive beliefs and high expectations also motivate lucky people to persist even in the face of considerable adversity; which means they eventually reach the finish line as the other contenders walk back to the starting line.


Those who take responsibility for their own lives and actions know that luck can be created.  Live each day believing in yourself and your ability to be lucky, and over time you will be.  I challenge you to review each bullet point again and think of your own personal luck in recent times.  Think about how lucky you are right now.